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Today, our NBA Superstars unknown facts column, belong to Timothy Theodore Duncan, a.k.a Tim Duncan.
15 time NBA Allstar has won 5 Championship with The Sun Antonio Spurs, alongside with 2 Regular Season and 3 Final MVP awards.
Here are  the Unknown Facts about Mr. Fundamental ;

duncan 3When and where was he born ?

25 April 1976, St. Croix / Virgin Island

Which sport was he interested before Basketball ?

Swimming, in a short period of time Duncan broke both, 50 and 100 metres freestyle Virgin Island records, that made him biggest swimming prospect in the country. Experts said, he has the potential to win the American Championship in 400 metres too.

Why gave he up swimming ?

In 1989, Hurricane Hugo destroyed literally the whole Island, the one and only Olympic size swimming pool of the Island was also in ruins. Duncan tried to train in open water for a while, but because of his biggest nightmare ‘ Sharks ‘, he had to give up.

Why number 21 ?

In High-School, he wore number 32 because of his idol Magic Johnson.  In College  ( Wake Forrest ) 32 was taken, therefore Tim has taken his step brother’s jersey number 21 as a sign of respect. His step brother taught  him to play basketball.

Favourite book ?

Jurassic Park.

tim duncan 2Favourite meal ?

Meat and schrimps.

Biggest fear ?

Because of his homeland,  ‘ sharks ‘. Duncan has lost a close friend when he was a child, after a brutal shark attack.
Furthermore he has acrophobia and scyscrappers make him edgy.

Favourite NFL team?

Chicago Bears

Favourite pet ?


Favourite colour ?


Favourite music?

Rap and reggae.

Favourite movie ?

The Crow

DUNCAN DOGSFavourite Series ?

Seinfeld, Alias, Martin.

Favourite actors ?

Chris Tucker , Kevin Spacey

Nickname in college?

Mr. Spock

Favourite hobby in childhood ?

Playing Dungeons and dragons on computer.

Favourite Superhero ?

Wolverine / X-Men

Hobbies ?

He collects Silverware sets from all over the world, especially antic pieces.


Surf on internet, computer games, paintball.

tim duncan 1Family ?

He has lost his parents due to cancer. He has 2 elderly sisters.
Tim Duncan Foundation makes every year notable donations to Different Health Organisations.
He also provides Scholarship to over 100 kids in need from San Antonio and Virgin Island.

His Idol ?

Magic Johnson.

Marriage and children?

In 2001 Duncan has married High-School Sweetheart Amy. They had 2 kids ( boy and a girl ), but the couple divorced in 2013.


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